Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is the motto of an environmentally conscious man. If you have not been recycling, you will be surprised at what you can do with seemingly useless household items that we mindlessly throw in the garbage. Here are...
Assessing the Global Change with Drones
As a result of climate change, plants have been competing for dominance in the tundra. In some regions, there is a green invasion of once bare places. Satellites have been of much help in studying what goes on in the...
The Connection Between Climate Change, Permafrost, and the Beavers
First, a definition of terms- A Permafrost is a ground that stays frozen for two years or more, and Beavers are cute fuzzy mammals. As the effects of global warming intensify, causing warmer temperatures, Beavers travel north, creating ponds that...
ClimateClock in NYC: Our Climate Is on the Clock
According to ClimateClock, the future of global warming is uncertain, and its outcome depends on our willingness to take specific action towards the effects of Global warming. ClimateClock, as the name goes, is an initiative created by a group of...
World’s Largest Battery Is Installed in Australia by Tesla
Ever wondered where the world's largest battery is? Well, Australia is home to the biggest lithium-ion battery in the world. Tesla has built a 100-megawatt storage system that can supply 129 megawatt-hours of electricity - sufficient to power about 30,000...
Solar Panel Highways – How do they Work?
Solar highway panels are the product of thinking outside of the box and breaking intellectual boundaries. Photovoltaic cells, another name for solar panels, are ubiquitous. They reduce the cost of electricity when used on rooftops. Not only are they placed...
The Future of Wind Turbines
It may be safe to say that Wind turbines are here to stay. Wind energy has become one of the most notable sources of renewable energy. It seems to be the only natural energy source that holds a candle to...